This is a question online for 'math geniuses' and everyone has different answers and no one knows the correct true answer
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61 Answers

The answer is 90

3*2= 6

3*4 = 12

4*5 = 20  and so on :)
The answer is 90
Simpler answer: x^2 + x for the result.  So for 9 it would be 9x9+9 = 81+9 = 90.
following the series, then 9 = 9*6 = 54
90 because

x * (x+1) = Answer


x^2 + x = Answer

They are the same thing...

3=12  (6+6)

4=20 (12+8)

5=30 (20+10)

6=42 (30+12)

ie 7= 42+14 =56

so 8=56+16 =72

in view of the above     9=72+18 = 90

I say the answer is 90 but we all know i'm no genius!!!
My answer is 90
looking at the right side of the = sign

start with 6


add 8=20

add 10=30

add 12 = 42

the 7 would be add 14=56

the 8 would be add 15=71

the 9 would be add 16=87
It doesn't make any sense...
The way i see it





6x7=42 and so on











8= 72






2×3=6 3×4=12 4×5=20 5×6=30 6×7=42 7×8=56 8×9=72 9×10=(90) (9=90)←answer
60; because each number in the second column is twice the next number in the first column; so 42 + 18 ( which is twice 9) = 60.
My initial response was 9=56.

= is being used as an assignment operator.


3 is assigned a value of 12

6 is assigned a value of 42

So I figured 9 was a product of 3+6 or 12+42 = 56

Thinking about if further though I decided against that since there is no indication that 9 is a product of anything.

My next thought was 9=90.

Looking at the patter that is suggested it appears that each variable is multiplied by one number higher than itself to give you a value.

2*3=6, 3*4=12, 4*5=20, 5*6=30, 6*7=42 thus 9*10=90

However, I then decided that there is no proof that this is the pattern and anyone could decide on their own pattern to use.

Others have suggested that since 7 and 8 were left out 9 should be multiplied by 8 for 9*8=72.

So I then decided that since no conclusive pattern could be deduced I would assign 9 the value it is traditionally given... 9. Since there is no arguing that 9 has an initial value of 9.

My answer is 9.


2×3=6 3×4=12 4×5=20 5×6=30 6×7=42 7×8=56 8×9=72 9×10=(90) (9=90)←answer
the answer is 72






104?  just looking at different patterns and no one seemed to have this

LOOK here it goes:

2x3=6                             if..... 2= 6                                 
3x4=12                                   3=12
4x5=20                                   4=20
5x6=30                                   5=30
6x7=42                                   6=42
7x8=56                                then 9=?
The answer is 90......

Left #'s is in sequence and so is the #'s to the right after the you see the pattern now???
9=9  (9*1), you can not choose 10 this is a figure consists, you can only choose (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
My answer is 63...
72 it is dependent on which number your using for the solution could also be 90
I believe the Answer to be 9. The single digit strand would start over and complete the series 9*1=9, 2*3=6....

A lot of you are making this way more difficult than it has to be. I'm looking at you "the answer is 9" people.

It gives us the numbers we need to establish a pattern. You notice it doesn't give a value for 1 either, but based on the numbers it does give us, we can extrapolate from that what their value would be within the sequence.

For each number, the value is drawn through a multiplication increase of one.

1*2 = 2
2*3 = 6
3*4 = 12
4*5 = 20
5*6 = 30
6*7 = 42
7*8 = 56
8*9 = 72

9*10 = 90

This is part of deciphering the pattern and learning through inference. Answers like "9" is just mental masturbation, trying to be more clever than the question actually requires. If for some reason this question was designed with that kind of answer in mind, it's a malformed question rooted in philosophical nonsense that has no place in mathematics as a factual question.

I'll extrapolate from the comment by biggest that s/he's inept due to the fact that there are different strategies that apply.

And no, you can't interpolate anything here. You do know what interpolate means, right?
72 is my answer for that question if 2=6,3=12,4=20,5=30,6=42,then 9=?
previous answer

3 is plus 6

4 is plus 8

5 is plus 10

6 is plus 12

7 is plus 14

8 is plus 16

9 is plus 18

With a result of 9=78
In IF, THEN logic if the IF is False then you can draw no conclusions about the Then.  In this case 2 obviously does not equal 6 (duh), so you can draw no conclusions about the 9 other than it equals itself.  Thus (IMHO) 9 = 9.

Taking the number in the left column and multiplying it by 2, then adding to the previous number in the right column 3x2=6+6=12;




9x2=18+42=60,,,who says you have to do it for 7 and 8?

But if we did solve for 7 and 8 first ...



then 9x2=18+72=90

This is circulating as an equation in columns.  In column one - 2 through 9.  In column two - 6 through 42.  Since the only pattern in column two that doesn't involve column one is by adding even sequential numbers (6,8,10,12) to the previous number.  The correct answer is 56, with the first column becoming irrelevant - as in code.
If 4=20 and 5=30, then 90 should be 20+30=50. It's a simple math formula..
The answer is 56.








 If you use only the numbers available and do not include the 7 and 8, I believe the answer is 60.

 3= [6+(4*2)], 4 = [12 +(5*2)], 5= [20+(5*2)], 6= [30+(9*2)]



(not sure how to call that; a binary novary system?)

Anyway, indeed 2=6; 3=12; 4=20; 5=30;6=42

And 9=10=1
I believe the answer is 81, although I can see how people came up with 90


Joseph Ware II Here is how I got 58. Working with 2 groups at a time and continuing down. Add first two numbers than next line down add first number, add 1 you will get the number on the second line to the right. Here it is, 2+6+3+1=12. Next 3+12+4+1=20. Next 4+20+5+1=30. Next 5+30+6+1=42. Next 6+42+9+1=58.
12 minutes ago · Like · 1
2=6 (3)






The only constant is what is not seen.
The answer is 72 (each unknown number increases in increments of 1 starting with 3; 3,4,5,6,7,8)









I get two different answers in multiple ways... two calculations give me the solution of 90 but in another calculation the solution is 72. 

Both solutions are correct in my opinion...It’s just the way you look at the problem...


My first calculation with a solution 9 = 90

2 = 6 (difference 4) 

3 = 12 (difference 9) 9 - 4 = 5

4 = 20 (difference 16) 16 - 9 = 7

5 = 30 (difference 25) 25 - 16 = 9

6 = 42 (difference 36) 36 - 25 = 11

7 = 56 (difference 49) 49 - 36 = 13

8 = 72 (difference 64) 64 - 49 = 15

9 = 90 (difference 81) 81 - 64 = 17


My second calculation with a solution 9 = 90          

2 x 3 = 6

3 x 4 = 12

4 x 5 = 20

5 x 6 = 30

6 x 7 = 42

7 x 8 = 56

8 x 9 = 72

9 x 10 = 90


My third calculation with a solution of 9 = 72

3 x 2 = 6

4 x 3 = 12

5 x 4 = 20

6 x 5 = 30

7 x 6 = 42

8 x 7 = 56

9 x 8 = 72

My conclusion.... Both answers are right, but at the same time I'd say that's not possible in math... So there must be a rule that is the preferable way to calculate this problem so you get one answer :-)

Would love to have an answer of a true mathematician on this...


x = a(a + 1)

∴ If a = 9, x = 90

90 = 9(9 + 1)

2=6       2x3

3=12    3x4

4=20   4x5

5=30   4x6

6=42  6x7

9=81 9x9


2 x 3 = 6
3 x 4 = 12
4 x 5 = 20
5 x 6 = 30
6 x 7 = 42
9 x 8 = 72
questions without answers ... are the new ways of wasting time!

Whatever answer is given, nobody will know if it's true or false ... when true or false is something on the mind of the one placing the question

As we cannot read the minds (yet) we cannot answer the question

My answer is 90 ... and my answer is true as many other answers, as everybody will give his own answer

This time we can say that math is an opinion!


if 2=6 the number sequence of  12= 1+2 =3, so the sequence would start   AND END WITH 60 being 9= 60 so the end of the sequence would be  6.
I would say the answer is 72. It is obvious that the first set of numbers break a sequence therefore 7 and 8 do not become part of the answer. If we look at the multiplier we can assume that they follow a sequence being so it is logical to assume the next multiplier would be 8. Some people use the 6,8,10,12,sequence on the results side of the answer but the answer is the result. For instance if they used 11 instead of 9 the answer would have been 88 by taking 11x8 and the results of the answer then does not make sense. We are after what you can not see in the problem and that is the multiplier which is the only thing that would be in sequence. By changing the first number in the problem it changes the whole problem.


The pattern is, that number times its next consecutive number, e.g 20= 20 * 21, or in algebraic terms, x = x^2 + x

2=6 (2*3)

3=12 (3*4)

4=20 (4*5)

5=30 (5*6)

6=42 (6*7)

7 = (7*8)


9= (9*10) = 90!

2 x (the next number after 2=3) so 2x3 = 6                                                    2=6
3 x (the next number after 3=4) so 3x4 = 12                                                  3=12
4 x (the next number after 4=5) so 4x5 = 20                                                  4=20
5 x (the next number after 5=6) so 5x6 = 30                                                  5=30
6 x (the next number after 6=7) so 6x7 = 42                                                  6=42
then 9 x (the next number after 9=10) so 9x10 = 90                                    9=90

2=6 (3)

3=12 (4)

4=20 (5)

5=30 (6)

6=42 (7)

9=90 (10)

Following progression, 7=56 (8); 8=72 (9); then 9=90, as 10 would be the next number in sequence.
If 2X3=6, 3x4=12, 4x5=20, 5x6=30, 6x7=42 the 9x10=90
90 is the answer
2*3 =6





therefore  9*10 = 90
2 does not equal 6

3 does not equal 12

4 does not equal 20

5 does not equal 30 and

6 does not equal 42.

But 9 does equal 9.







           so 2=6(3)




That is the answer and solution

I gotta go lay down, or is it lie down
The third answer nailed it: The person who got 81 - how'd you get that?? I'd be interested in seeing the math.

x^2 + x or x * x + x

To the person/people claiming 9 as the answer:

Quote: "2 does not equal 6
3 does not equal 12
4 does not equal 20
5 does not equal 30 and
6 does not equal 42.
But 9 does equal 9."

Yes, 9 does indeed equal 9, but NOT if all those other numbers equal other numbers, which is the whole point of the series. If in the series 3=3, 4=4, 5=5 and 6=6, then 9 would equal 9. But that is not the series in question. In this particular series, 9=90.

its not a math question IMO . It's a pattern

















answer is 88
for my own benefit not anyone else's...

Two does not equal six so we must create a problem to solve with math instead of theory.
2x3 is one of a very limited number of positive probable solutions to a math problem derived from 2=6

Three does not equal twelve so an equation must be created to have a problem at all.
3x4 is one, 2x2x3 is another, 2x6 is another.

So at this point we have some possible continuing visible patterns starting to emerge. Looking for unbroken patterns in the effort to find the shortest simplest mathematical solution. The first factors of equation one are sequential 2 and 3 respectively. The Second factors in the equations are also sequential 3 and 4 respectively. Or optionally the number 2 may be being repeated. Not enough data and only part of the problem as presented solved.

4=20 (great number)
Four does not equal 20 so it must be expressed as an equation if there is a problem to solve.
4x5 is one, as is 2x2x5 and 2x10 is another.

Patterns continue unbroken...
The first factors in the three initial equations are still sequential 2,3,4, as well as the second factor in each equation 3,4,5. The pattern of 2's remains as well. It would be guessing to jump ahead from here, not even half of the problem is done.

Five does not equal thirty so to even have a problem we must create an equation.
5x6 follows one of our patterns.

And following the notion that all math is about breaking down to the smallest equation or answer (which always disqualified the 2x2x(anything) pattern that was developing) we see the possible logical patterns visible begin to naturally decrease... 2x2x7=28 so that pattern is broken and can no longer logically be followed as a pattern. And 3x10 breaks the other pattern leaving us only two logical patterns, those of the factors in the initial equations which still follow a logical pattern: the first being 2,3,4,5 and the second being 3,4,5,6 respectively while at the same time create a solvable math problem out of seemingly visual nonsense like 5=30.

Six does not equal forty two (but the answer to Life The Universe and Everything does!) so to have a problem that needs solving we make an equation.
6x7=42 is the most obvious answer and it follows with the only remaining logical pattern visible in the problem as written.

Is not a part of the problem as written. The problem does not ask us ever the question 7=X or Y or Z or ___

Is also not a part of the problem as written.

What does this tell us? That the logical pattern of numbers is broken for the FIRST FACTOR. We have not yet done the math to tell us if the second factor is out of sync and those a broken logical pattern.

Is the next question in the problem that requires an equation to complete a pattern.
9x8 (Eight being the ONLY logical pattern number that still exists naturally and does not require the creation of entire equations that are not represented or asked for in the problem as written) = 72

Now you can guess at some answers...

Here is a simple one. 9=9
Great, but it doesn't follow logically with any of the patterns.

How about 90? Short answer, Yes you can get to 90 IF and ONLY if you imagine that the problem is asking you to assume missing equations, not missing factors as the answer 72 produces but two whole equations that are not, can not be seen in the problem and does not follow unbroken logical patterns leading to a smaller equation and or answer.

There are multiple correct answers and it depends on the pattern you apply.

[edited to state there are actually multiple correct answers, as opposed to no correct answer]

by Level 1 User (140 points)
edited by
The answer is 90










if 2=6 3=12 4=20 5=30 6=42 then 9=?
2x3=6  3x4=12   4x5=20.  5x6=30. 6x7=42. 9x7=63
2=6 ... 6=42 ... What is the value of 6 ... 2 or 42 ?

answer my question first then I answer your question about the value of 9

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